Please meet us!

Hullo there! Please meet Billy, the most super active of all. He's been with us since last year, he was three months old back then. He loves to run all over the house, hunts anything flies, sleeps in boxes, plays with shoe ties, gets inside plastic bag, and always wakes me up early in the morning. He's my morning call disaster. We all love him.

And this is Topeng. He likes to come over to play with Billy. He's cute though he's probably sick. He's a nice fellow and needs a home for sure.

And finally, please meet our member... Virgo and the kittens! We share wonderful time though the new family has to live separately from the boys. Virgo is having a difficult time dealing with them during her nursing. And she's probably the only obeyed person to stop friendly wrestling games within the boys! Sure the entire family will have to be spayed..